Our Muscle-Building Workout & Diet Routines

All of our workouts are programmed by Marco Walker-Ng, BHSc, PTS, PN, a certified strength coach with a degree in health science who's helped college and professional athletes bulk up, including our Canadian Olympic rugby team.

The Outlift Program

This is our 15-week intermediate hypertrophy training program. It includes a detailed guide along with a 3-Day, 4-Day, and 5-Day workout routine. Each routine is broken down into 3 phases, each lasting 5 weeks long. The workout sheets use guided progressive overload, where you fill in how many reps you can do, and the sheet adds weight accordingly.

Outlift: 4-Day Split Starter Series

A 4-day workout split in Google Spreadsheets to help you build muscle size and strength fast while discovering your favourite style. Choose from four different styles of 4-day splits: upper/lower, push/pull, bro, and Outlift style. Each style lasts for 5 weeks, giving you a combined total of 20 weeks of programming. Work out from home or at the gym. Select from dumbbell, barbell, and cable options. Already 100% optimized. The exercise selection, training frequency, rest times, volume, repetitions, intensity—all of it is optimized to maximize your rate of muscle growth while lifting safely and efficiently. But we've made the spreadsheets easy to customize and adapt for those who love to tinker.

The Bony to Beastly Program

Bony to Beastly is our muscle-building program for men. It comes with a customizable workout program, a recipe book, a diet and lifestyle guide, tutorial videos teaching every exercise, and coaching from us in our online community. These are the exact methods I used to gain my first 50 pounds.

The Bony to Bombshell Program

Bony to Bombshell is our muscle-building program for women. It comes with a customizable workout program, a recipe book, a diet and lifestyle guide, tutorial videos teaching every exercise, and coaching from us in our online community.

Guns Blazing—Arm Specialization Program

Our arm specialization program is designed to add inches to your arms as quickly as possible. The rest of your body is put on maintenance with a minimalist approach to squats, deadlifts, presses, and pulls. Online coaching is optional.

Works perfectly at commercial gyms, dumbbell home gyms, or barbell home gyms.

War Chest

Our chest specialization program is for guys who want a bigger, fuller chest and/or a stronger bench press. Your upper back gets plenty of work. Your legs are put on a minimalist maintenance program. Online coaching is optional.

Works perfectly at commercial gyms, dumbbell home gyms, or barbell home gyms.